blog vs youtube

If you are having that dilemma about whether should you start a blog or a YouTube channel in 2022, let us help you get a solution and help you find the difference between a blog and a YouTube channel.

So, there are numerous benefits of YouTube and there are also a lot of benefits of a blog but when it comes down to creating one or the other, let us find out which is the best.



In the quest for answering the question between blogging vs YouTube and blog vs vlog, we can easily tell you that YouTube would always be the better option for you. There are multiple reasons for this.

Before we talk about these reasons, let us talk about why you will not be missing out on blogging if you start a YouTube channel.

When you start a YouTube channel you can be sure that video is a format that can include every other kind of format and even if you are a writer by profession, you can make sure to transform that writing content into video and get more engagement.

You can be sure that if you were a blogger then that transition from blog to YouTube will not be difficult and there are excellent videos on YouTube on tips for starting your YouTube channel in 2022 which will help you understand how to get started on YouTube.

So, should you start a YouTube channel in 2022? Absolutely yes, let us find out why.






Video is and is always going to be the most popular format for content in the upcoming years because we are seen that nearly 85% of all internet content and traffic is centred around video.


This says something about the level of popularity that video is experiencing and will experience and why not utilise this popularity and get on the most powerful and popular video platform in the world!


If you choose YouTube then you can be assured that you are not getting into a format that is old and dying like blogging. While blogging is essential and there are a number of reputed blogging websites in the world but it is very difficult to get one started from scratch.


YouTube on the other hand is a totally different game because you can start anywhere and you can become popular on YouTube if you have good quality content.




One of the other important things you must consider is the size of the audience. While in the case of blogging you can technically say that the whole world can be a potential audience but that is not being practical. It would be very hard to get people to visit your blogging website.


It will be very hard to do any content marketing if you are blogging and you will not have any targeted approach for doing the marketing at a reasonable cost.


On top of that would be the factor of the audience because it is seen that younger audiences do not have much interest in visiting blogs, however, they have quite the interest when it comes to YouTube.


When you decide to create a YouTube channel you are exposing yourself to excellent potential because there are millions and billions of viewers on YouTube. There are multinational companies on YouTube that are constantly promoting themselves and there are millionaire content creators all because of YouTube.


You can be a part of them with the right content.




When you want to start a blogging website you must have also thought about the fact of generating revenue from that blogging website if you ever want to do it seriously.


However, generating revenue from a blogging website is one of the hardest things to do on the internet because you will have to do everything and you might even have to write sponsored blogs for other people for little money.


When you are on YouTube you are your own boss because you are going to make content and you are going to earn money on that content. If you do not wish to make the content you are not answerable to anyone but yourself.


There is also the factor of having multiple channels which can be an excellent source of revenue as well. And YouTube is not the end of the road because after you have your YouTube channel you can utilise that channel to divert traffic to other platforms where you have content.


And when you think of the ratio between work and revenue you can find that it is not very difficult to create videos on YouTube if you decide to create simple videos in the beginning.  Compare that to blogging and blogging is like a very detailed essay paper, nobody wants to read an essay paper in 2022.


We hope this blog has helped you understand the importance of YouTube and how it is way better than creating a blogging website. However, if you are someone who already has a YouTube channel and is struggling to get views, subscribers, likes and comments then we are here to help you.

We are Socials Panel and we are a revolutionary social media services company and we have just the perfect service for you. If you are finding it difficult to start monetization because you do not have views and if you want subscribers then do not spend money on YouTube in trying to promote your videos.

Simply buy YouTube views and subscribers and likes and comments from us. Yes, you can buy views, subscribers, likes and even comments directly from us at the most reasonable rates in the entire industry.

We will make sure to deliver them to you at the quickest time possible.

We welcome you to check out our services.

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