YouTube's Algorithm

We have all heard about the dreaded YouTube algorithm. We have heard many rumours about it and we have also heard many curses about it and how YouTubers hate the algorithm.

We have heard other things about how the algorithm can be the most important thing for YouTubers.  Today in this blog we are going to talk about the YouTube algorithm and how you too can be on the receiving end of the benefits of the YouTube algorithm.

However, before we dig up facts about the YouTube algorithm in 2022, or before we find out what are the questions for marketers and questions for influencers and what are the answers that they seek, let us find out the answer to the most important question. This question is so popular that it even ranks quite well among the most popular questions on YouTube’s search.

We are of course talking about the question of what is the YouTube algorithm and how the YouTube algorithm works in 2022.


The YouTube algorithm is basically a set of rules and coding and other calculations and operations created with the main intention of suggesting the right YouTube videos to the right viewer.

Whenever you open the YouTube app and you find suggested videos then that is the work of the YouTube algorithm because it predicts videos according to your preferences.


Now that we understand what the algorithm means, let us understand why the YouTube algorithm is important for YouTube creators.

The YouTube algorithm should not matter to you if you are just a viewer and if you are not a creator because the algorithm has been created keeping in mind of your satisfaction.

However, things get quite different when you are a creator because the YouTube algorithm can mean the difference between your success and failure on YouTube.

There are different ways in which a video can be ranked well on the YouTube algorithm and there are different factors.



One of the most important factors that determine how the algorithm appraises your video is to do with the performance of the video. This is the rope performance that we are talking about because YouTube is ultimately a business and the algorithm is created in such a way that popular videos get even more boost.

That is why if your video has good engagement and a good click-through rate, then the video is going to perform quite well and the algorithm is going to help suggest the video even more.


If you have a YouTube account and if you are not opening YouTube through incognito then you can expect the suggested videos and your YouTube experience to be quite personalized. The algorithm will find out the types of videos that you like and it is going to suggest those very types of videos.

This is where a creator can take a good lesson and that is to understand the preferences of their audience and if they’re able to do that then they can expect their videos to be suggested on the YouTube wall of their viewers.


Now that we know about how the YouTube algorithm works and how the performance of the video and the personal factor affects the algorithm, let us talk about another important aspect that helps the algorithm identify a video.

For example, if the FIFA World Cup is currently going on then the YouTube algorithm is going to promote videos that are relevant to that topic. If any new popular tech product has been launched like the iPhone, then the YouTube algorithm is going to suggest similar videos.

This is basically what the external factors are in a nutshell. The YouTube algorithm is going to promote videos based on seasonality wherein videos that follow the topic of something that is trending is going to find more views and the YouTube algorithm will help the video perform even better.

We hope you have found this blog about the YouTube algorithm helpful and we also hope that you get good YouTube success. However, if you were a creator then you might have thought that the algorithm is very hard and you will not be wrong. There are different ways to get around the algorithm and to use the algorithm to your advantage.

You can keep on sponsoring and promoting videos and that can be a very lengthy and costly process and there is the second option which is the unique service that we provide at Socials Panel.

If your videos are not performing well and if you want to become viral on YouTube and take advantage of the algorithm then the best thing to do is to buy YouTube likes, comments, views and subscribers.  Once you have a certain amount of likes and views and subscribers and engagement in the form of comments, the YouTube algorithm is automatically going to promote your video.


We welcome you to check out our service page and avail of this unique service and become a popular YouTuber.

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